Brook Capital
Brook Capital is the parent company within a financial services group which includes firms providing
Wealth Management, Discretionary Investment Management and Financial Advice.
FACET Investment Management Ltd. (Facet)
FACET was acquired by Brook Capital in 2013 and is today the primary provider of Wealth Management
and Discretionary Investment Management services within the Brook Capital group. In addition, FACET
also provides Appointed Representative services to two of the other group companies.
Berkeley Financial Partners Ltd. (Berkeley)
Berkeley Financial Partners Ltd. was established in 2014 under Brook Capital to be a standalone
financial planning practice. It specialises in offering support and assistance in organising both
personal and corporate financial affairs to help clients to achieve their financial and lifestyle goals.
AFM Management Ltd. (trading as ANA Financial)
Having been associated with Brook Capital for several years, ANA Financial was acquired by them in
2019. ANA Financial’s roots trace back over 25 years as a professional practice delivering the “Art of
the Possible” to clients. They consider their approach to be a key element in delivering the client’s
ongoing need for constructive and helpful advice, without losing sight of the fact that simplicity is
the ultimate sophistication.
Brook Capital is constantly on the look-out for further acquisitions that either complement or expand
their current range of services. They must, however, fit in with an ethos of putting clients first along
with strict adherence to providing consistently high standards of service.